About Me

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Mariam Syafini Mohd Saidi, prefer to be call finie :) sixteen for this year, Alhamdullilah. i'm growing up :) SPM for next year , insyaAllah will try my best. rarely update blog ouhh now. do follow me, peeps :D


PUTERI SYAMIN+HAZIQ EZMAN ♥ mereka ini sangat sweeet ! SUMPAH (:
thiss sweet girl ! kenal dy from sekolah rendahh jugakk; sgt cutee+gila skitt enn? haha
but kteorgg xrpt time sekolah rendah but aku ingat penah pegi TESCO shame2; tyme tu stndrd 5 :D
and stndrd 6 kte gaduh! ingat tk? pasal mamat tu haha; mcm sakai enn gaduhh !
result UPSR; budak nii dpt je result ! terus lari peluk aku sbb tyme tu aku ade kat depan enn? haha
then sperti naylee+rizana jugakk, tercampak kat SEMESTA(:
and gaduh tahap gaban tyme F1; but tyme F2 rapat balikk !
and skrngg xrpat sgtt ! but you still my besties la sayang (:

hope kau+haziq long last together poreber ! :)

SAYA SAYANG KAUU ! *ingat lagi surat tu hhaa (:


  1. sweet ke ? -.-'
    sgt gile itu btol. tpi sgt cute itu salah. cute je eh. haha :D
    ha'ah ingt lgi kite pegi TESCO :)
    standard 6 mcm bodoe je gaduh psl bdk tu.adoyy lupe lak tyme tu kan ta matured lgi. kan kan ? haha >.<
    ye ker aku lari kat kau ? lupe lak.sory ek.happy sgt time tu :)
    btol tu.ksian kiteorg kne campak kat SEMESTA tpi nasib la dpt jumpe mamat hot gak kan and and kakak yg baikk!mcm k.tasha.cehh nk poyo lak aku.
    time form 1.ta matured lgi.mmg la.
    time form 2.kite baik kan.tpi last2 mcm bengong skit.haha :D but we're still bestfriends gak.

    AMIN :)

    SAYA SAYANG KAMUU JUGAA !*surat ape?

  2. ouhh ek ? aku ta ingt pon. msti time ni korg bace dgn er tan tu eh ? hahaha :D
